Report: Chateau de la Motte-Tilly
La Motte-Tilly is one of those properties that you see for many years over your routes before one fine day when a miracle was a little more time than usual, to finally take the trouble to stop there. We will not disappoint there: the borders of Champagne and Ile de France, far enough from Paris to feel at the countryside, but close enough to return to the capital - or to Versailles - where problem, the castle has belonged since its construction in the mid-eighteenth century to the same family of great servants of royalty, the most prominent was Controller General of Finances under Louis XV, Father Joseph Marie Terray. Two centuries later, the last heir donated to the state in 1974. The Domain is owned by the Caisse Nationale des Monuments. Nice continuity through the centuries, despite the revolutionary break: the family then gave a prefect in France in 1814.
The 1999 storm caused havoc in the field, he had to replant trees much. Given the origin of the name of chateau, Tilly evoking the linden, the site was transformed into a conservatory of the species : There are so much lime
of all varieties, it will be interesting to visit again from time to time in June, to measure their growth and receive the full face of the flower fragrance, intense and pervasive as the entry in this June 20