Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Authorization Letter Disconnection


www.immobilier en algerie.com
since May 2002 and the decree by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoom allowing foreigners to become owners in Dubai, the real estate market in Dubai has exploded!
The market rose sharply and no-batch and new developments with plan sale are sold within 48 hours. And some projects are subject to resale with gains of 100% in some cases.

Since the beginning of the boom in 2002, price increases do not seem to falter. The services offered are still very good compared to the purchase price. This good-value, mixed with a lower bid than an application and tax benefits make the market very attractif.Actuellement Dubai population growth the country is the highest in the world, generating pressure on the rental market and therefore on sale price. The rental market can not meet demand and this tends to increase further the number of sales on plan.De more, Dubai is considered one of the safest cities and more prosperous world, the real estate market is pushed all the investment professionals really sure.

Persons interested in this market but there are not yet truly hope that an opportunity arises. Again, every indication that the property market in Dubai only décoller.Comme housing supply is below demand, developers can quickly build their project and others will simply find enough space to build. The price pressure is rising!

Interest in the country believes every year, and the market is covered both by the locals but also foreigners. When you see the difference in property prices with the United Kingdom, or even a country like Hong Kong which is close to Dubai in terms of its density and its riches, one can see that prices have continued to increase.

But Dubai Authorities want to counter speculation in their markets and avoid a reversal of fortune for their fellow citizens. They want to establish a strong real estate market where the investment long-term will be safe. However, to achieve an objective balance between supply and demand, must initially allow speculators and redeemers to intervene to achieve, short or medium term to an equilibrium price. It also encourages investment in long-terme.Si you buy a property in Dubai, you realize that almost all properties are without tenants (though there was little market rental). Typically, a rental property is an apartment and the period is 99ans. A deposit will be applied from 1500 to 4500 euros. This deposit is refundable if the seller changes his mind.

buyers off plan property generally must pay a deposit around 10% of the purchase price upon signing the contract vente.Il no tax on the purchase in Dubai. Moreover, in most cases without problems Authorities issue a permanent resident VISA.


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