News Lawrence Fabius, former Prime Minister
Since 1966, the historic decision of General de Gaulle, a consensus had been reached on the position of our country towards the NATO ally of the United States but not aligned . This position, which made us loyal partners, but independent, consistent with our interests and contribute to the international audience of France.
Mr Sarkozy's intention to break soon with that attitude consistently for over 40 years, under the pretext of obtaining commandments besides minors, is a triple fault: we align now on the United States, exclude any move toward a true European defense, weakening the international position of France would be a substantial decline that would break the national consensus, while the mission of a head of state is contrary to strengthen it.
Many French people of all opinions that do not accept it. Therefore a national debate is needed on this subject, I ask that it be concluded by a vote.
Mr Sarkozy is President of the Republic, he does not own the destiny of our country. It does not belong to him by ideological prejudice, to break with the higher interests of France.
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