First week
First, good news.
I am no longer overshoot. My colleagues and I received the news that the number of students in kindergarten (all in overshoot) would justify the initiation of another class. My list comes at a most enjoyable and I no longer have to search where I can comfortably put those few children "more" in my already crowded locker room. I was seriously considering the idea of installing a mezzanine ...
Starting next week, we redo the groups. It is flat for children who are displaced, and although they saw that we have five hours in total since Thursday, still is it that they began to focus. We were careful not to move but the weakest of them. Better now than later, but it would be much better if the employment process allowed to immediately find the person who will be their teacher for the year, pending the posting, Children should have an alternate. Hope that the alternate will not go running after one day, and that the administration will not manage the thing from day to day substitute. Otherwise, hello substitutes ball!
I loved my first contact with the children who make up my class. I've never seen a class that, earlier this year, was quiet enough to allow me to complete the usual paperwork without my having to intervene. Even people who came to support or get the papers were amazed. They were seated, and whispered simply. Although the overshoot was not ideal either for them or for me, I struggled to tell from where I left for another class.
Already I know which ones are most eras by life, which are the most on, which are the most cabbage worm, which are the most confrontational, which are most sensitive to caregivers and others, which have the greatest need support.
I can not wait to return Monday:)
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