Sunday, November 1, 2009

Micro Cube Metal Settings

Network lucifer upstream

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hole Heart

Objective : Upstream Lucifer, later.

Team: Alain and Julien CAULLIREAU

TPST : 15 hours (9am - midnight)

We find the entrance from 9am, with a little apprehensive because we did not make a big explosion for 2 years ... We join

quickly désob of -50 where we meet a nice puddle of liquid mud to cross, with only 15 cm revenge! It's always so pleasant, it will be a meeting of unblocking if we want to keep a template if sufficient raw!

Descending we do a lot of photos and're accessing the network back. Lucifer in the room we made our first food break before attacking the following network.

The rise in the room on the strings of the escalation of the last time is impressive, we eat quickly 60m to reach the bend. The result is always s surprising inter-stratum and fault urgonian / Senonian. We now arrive at terminal 2005. Alain in the meander down on a deposit slip and fill joined a rock bridge stuck. I am, and we continue to the bottom of the meander 10 m lower. He makes a good meter wide and up to 30 °. We continue until a paste goose that once divided the tributary. We take the right one up now in inter-strata is a gallery of 3m wide and 2m high which ends in a room. We find ground pine cones and small branches of trees in fairly good condition, suggesting the surface nearby. But the result is further divided into 3, a small meander asset (which has certainly brought the wood debris) a gallery blocked by a clogged hopper and an active impenetrable ceiling. We note

topo and join the other branch of the network. Here we go back a gallery that divides rapidly and ends in a small room. It divides into three tributaries. Impenetrable a bend on the right bank, a meander impenetrable left and a narrow meander difficult access to the ceiling. It will explore this part up if we establish a relationship with a sinkhole outside. We note

300m topo and come away around the hole around midnight. The recovery is long and a little depressing when you hit the tree roots but we are pleased to have discovered a vast network beneath the surface.

Now we see the topo to find a second entrance to this exceptional cavity.


TPST: 15 hours.


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