Sunday, January 13, 2008

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USA adopts a huge bailout of real estate

2008-07-27 3:03:05 p.m.

(Xinhua / Reuters)
WASHINGTON, July 26 (Xinhua) - The U.S. Senate Saturday approved a comprehensive rescue plan for real estate that will offer up 300 billion dollars in assistance to both borrowers and mortgage refinancing agencies who found themselves in turmoil lately.
The plan, adopted by 72 votes against 13 during a weekend session in the Senate, is being sent to President George W. Bush should sign it quickly.
This plan will enable Fannie and Freddie, the two mortgage giants refinacement who came close to collapse earlier this month, access to more public capital, by allowing the Treasury until the end of 2009 to purchase shares of the two bodies where they lend more money.

(Xinhua / Reuters)
The plan also foresees the creation of a fund of 300 billion dollars under the Federal Housing Administration to help borrowers strangled by their monthly payments. Some 400,000 families could receive assistance through this program.
Both presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain is hailed the passage of this bailout of real estate by the Senate.


Nearly 400,000 unoccupied dwellings in Algiers

Nearly 400,000 homes have closed in Algiers, said yesterday the Director General in charge of Credit to the National Savings and Provident (PSC), Rachid Atmani.
The official was speaking at a salon on funding and housing affordability. The revelation of Mr. Atmani is instructive because it comes at a time when the Algerian market is experiencing a housing crisis due to acute imbalance between supply and demand. The same source noted that "there is a large fleet that is sold or operated as a rental." This state of affairs is due, he said, a lack of communication. "There are many provisions that were made in this area to allow the placing on the market rental housing dormant. This is so the exercise of the right's legislative tenure. Donors are comforted in their rights to recover their property, "he said. Mr. Atmani also noted that the Cnep is studying the possibility of segmenting its customer base for provision of staff to introduce more flexibility in the granting of bank credit. This system is "not to the same uniform system for all customers in terms of the bank's participation in the financing," he said. "The soaring prices especially in urban areas poses a serious problem of accessibility to bank credit because there is the income constraint," he added. Added to this, he said, the constraints related to title and building permit without leaving the familiar problem of the availability of land. Mr. Atmani Cnep will notice that the bank is at the crossroads following the strategic repositioning decided by the Board of Directors in February 2007 that confines the activity of the bank in the housing finance and the sale of its former subsidiary, CNEP-Immo, the benefit of three public insurance companies. The CEO of the National Housing Fund (NLC), Mr. Djemaa, for his part said that spending on housing by the state in 2007 should reach 150 billion dinars at home against 50 billion dinars in 2002 . This amount represents 2% of GDP, he said. Close 45% was spent on rental housing program and 35% for rural housing. Mr. Djemâa reported that in the wake participatory social housing program (CIP) records a need of 100 000 to 150 000 credits for home. As the CEO of Cnep-Immo, Mr. Boufatit, he stressed that his institution is on a construction program of 83 000 dwellings with 18 000 and 65 000 in promotional leasing. Some 11,000 homes are under construction in the form of hire purchase. The speaker also raised the issue of availability of land bases. Other participants highlighted the number shortage of qualified developers who have built only 130,000 units and the financial deficit of public developers who are struggling in a crippling debt to explain the slump that characterized the housing market.

Author: Nora Boudedja
Source: El Watan Dated: 18-11-2007

Sidar The Saudi group specializing in real estate development, and the Luxembourg Investment Group Building Corporation (IBC), a leading investment and real estate advisory company, have joined forces. An association between the leading real estate investment between Europe and the Maghreb (with 1280 transactions 2006) and a number of property development in Algeria with over 500 million dollars invested in housing construction and business centers, whose objectives and strategy will be presented today at the Sofitel in collaboration with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Algeria (CFCI), at a symposium bringing together some 400 representatives of major French and Algerian companies. In fact, IBC intends to emphasize its international expansion by opening offices in Algeria and prepare, in effect, opening two new offices in 2006 in Algiers and Oran, creating twenty new jobs. Founder and majority shareholder of the Corporation (the rest being held by investment funds in Switzerland and Luxembourg), the family Megharbi (of Algerian origin) plans to generate 25% of its activity on the Algerian territory. This by providing expertise in the real estate transaction services, promotion Real estate, management of joint property and real estate advisory firm. Wishing to support companies in their real estate choices and strategies, IBC and joins the group Sidar by lending its portfolio including large foreign retailers. But also an international dimension to business centers and shopping and other real estate projects and tourism promoter Sidar, becoming its only partner in the marketing of real estate including the great center of commerce and business, Al Quds Chéraga implanted. This, with the aim to "emerge from the ultra modern shopping malls, respecting the specific Algerian and creating spaces structured and organized, enabling the consumer, combining the strengths of the periphery to the attractiveness of urban shopping centers, "according organisateurs.Chérif Bennaceur
source: Le Soir d'Algérie

Friday, January 11, 2008

Avery Table Tents Template

* 595m ² / 480m ² colonial style very commercial Kouba (the apprevale) should seat company, any business imaginable clinic (a tear)

* colonial villa very commercial sources 20m frontage (360m ² / 80m ²) (to demolish)

* villa 480m ² 03 facades colonial center sources
(to demolish)
* villa 600m ² very commercial 25 m Facade
orchards (to demolish)

pearl sources!
a council estate has your odds

PERMIT to subdivide

Decree 91-176 of 28 May 1991 fixing the modalities of instruction and issuance of planning acts, as amended and supplemented
1. Subject: Operation of division into two or more lots of land.
2. Administrative Record: - Application of the owner or his agent-copy of the deed of ownership or mandate.
3. Technical file: - Map - Maps of channels and networks to achieve - Specification.
4. Repository: APC's location field.

5. Delivery Time: - 3 months, the P / APC - in the presence of the POS-4 months, the P / APC - in the absence of POS-4 months, Wali, for subdivisions located in specific areas - 4 months by the Minister for Planning for structuring projects of national or regional
6. Suspension saturate maximum 1 year if an instrument of development and planning is under development.
7. Remedies: Right of introduction of a disciplinary complaint or legal action.
Note: The subdivision permit is considered null and void if work:
- are not undertaken within 3 year - are not completed within the time (maximum 3 years).


Decree 91-176 of 28 May 1991 fixing the modalities of instruction and issuance of planning acts, as amended and supplemented
1 . Subject: Construction or conversion of building whatever the location.
2. Administrative and technical file: Compiled by the Architect.
3. Repository: APC's location of the building.

4. Delivery period: 3 months by the P / APC in the presence of POS for projects not covered by the Wali or the Minister, four months, the P / APC - in the absence of POS for projects outside the wali or the Minister, 4 months, Wali for constructions and installations carried out on behalf of the State and the Prefecture, 4 months, the Minister for Planning for structuring projects of national interest or regional level.
5. Stay of proceedings: Maximum 1 year, if an instrument of development and planning is under development.
6. Remedies: Right of bringing an action or a hierarchical action.
NB: The building permit is considered null and void if work has not commenced or completed within the time limit.

demolition permit

Decree 91-176 of 28 May 1991 fixing the modalities of instruction and delivery of instruments of urban planning, and amended Completed
1. Subject: total or partial demolition of a building located in a specific area or when the technical and safety require.
2. Administrative and technical file : Prepared by the Architect.
3. Repository: APC's location of the construction.4. Delivery period: 3 months by the P / APC
5. Remedies: Right of introduction of a disciplinary complaint or legal action.
NB: The demolition permit is considered null and void if: - The demolition has not taken place after 5 years - Work is suspended for 3 years - annulled by court order.


Decree 91-176 of 28 May 1991 laying down detailed instruction and issue of planning acts, as amended and supplemented
1. Purpose: Indicates the building rights and easements affecting the land concerned.

2. Administrative record and technical
3. Repository: APC's location of terrain.4. Delivery Time: 2 months after filing the application.
5. Stay of proceedings: Maximum 1 year, if an instrument of development and planning is under development.
6. Remedies: Right of introduction of an administrative appeal or action justice.NB: The planning is deemed to have lapsed, one year after its notification.


Decree 91-176 of 28 May 1991 fixing the modalities of instruction and issuance of planning acts, as amended and supplemented
1. Subject: Compliance work and is allowed to live or operation of the building.

2. File: Declaration of completion.
3. Repository: APC's location construction.

4. Delivery period: 3 months by the P / APC for projects within its compétence.3 months, Wali for projects within its jurisdiction and that of the Minister.
NB: The certificate of conformity is mandatory to establish the ownership of the building completed.


Decree 91-176 of 28 May 1991 fixing the modalities of instruction and issuance planning acts, as amended and supplemented
1. Subject: Information on possible division into two or more lots of land built.

2. Administrative record and technical
3. Repository: APC's location field 4. Delivery Time: 2 months by the P / APC.
NB: The certificate of division is considered withdrawn, one year after its notification.
certificate of fragmentation is not worth planning certificate.

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SALES administrative block in el biar

* au plein center on the Biar aproximité embassade Spain, on a site

residential, commercial, administrative block a very beautiful (R +3) each

07 floor office, dir: 21 office and a garage for 15 cars on a

area of 500m ² touttes conveniences.

SALES administrative block to boumerdes

* beautiful administrative block very well located boumerdes 1400m ² built on 04 level

dir: 350m ² each floor (open space) on a plot of 975 sqm, large parcking a

base 6500m ² in lindevise, suitable company and agency, a small hotel of 20

room, very good neighborhood Societe Generale, BNP bottom of paris.

-RENTAL administrative block


In the wake of the principles laid down by Decree Law No 93-03 dated March 1, 1993 on real estate activity ( find this decree under the heading Regulatory ) , the state encourages real estate development activities initiated by individuals or legal form of commercial transactions.
is for this reason that the housing sector promotional "helped" was developed and improved sequentially as and its implementation since 1994.
participatory social housing is actually a promotional assisted housing obeying the behest of organizations through real estate developers and operators of public or private which may, on the basis of financial and tax benefits granted by the state, create a potential demand creditworthy among the so-called middle-income households.
This housing is both the advertisement and the social character. He
the advertisements because it is initiated by developers, for their own account or on behalf of public bodies, according to various types in accordance with planning regulations and construction. He
the social character because he has the support of the state in the form of direct and indirect aid.
This support aims to increase the solvency of applicants for the acquisition of housing to developers and / or financial institutions in the event of recourse to housing credit.
1. Direct state aid:
This is a non-repayable grant called "aid to home ownership" provisions established by Executive Decree 94-308 of October 4, 1994 defining the rules of procedure of the National Housing Fund (
CNL) for financial support for households. ( find this decree under the heading Regulatory )
The level of financial assistance granted by the National Housing Fund ( CNL) is fixed according to income Recipient increased his spouse, as follows:
income category (DA) AMOUNT OF aideia R <2,5> Interministerial Order of April 5, 2003 ). Exemption from WRI and the IBS applicable on profits derived from activities of realization of housing programs that meet the statutory requirements in terms of cost of transfer and surface of the housing ( interministerial decree of March 08 2006). Exemption from payment of registration fees and tax advertising.
In exchange for funding and aid granted by the state, this segment offers is restricted to households called middle-income which are not eligible for public rental housing because of their average incomes but at the same time, do not allow them to mobilize, including through a bank loan, the amounts necessary to cover expenditure on the acquisition of a dwelling promotional commercial nature.

Need Money Desperately -loan

company and agency land large area (industrial, promotional, agricultural) RENTAL

SALES land industry

* 5100m ² land well situated at the back of the box Industrial Ouled Moussa (22000Da)

* terrain 2600m ² Industrial Zone Kolea (Douaouda) (28000 Da neg)

* grounds 5000 m² industrial zone Rouiba (35000Da)

* land 01 hectares area industrille Rouiba (38000 Da)

field * 03 hectares at the back of Ouled Moussa

* 2.5 hectares land Rahmania new town facade 50m cu (R +5) (industrial) (20.000Da)

field * 04 hectares industrial zone ali baba (18000.Da neg)

* 4.5 hectares terrain micro zi Kolea (7000.Da)

terrain 1155m ² * sidi r'sine baraki cloturé force Motricity (industiel) (16000 Da NEG)

terrain 3500m ² * baraki ben hoist (15000 Da NEG)

-VENTE terrains promotionnel

* 09 ha in size terrain of la rentrée Cherchel urbanized (certeficat urbanisme +4 R) (8000 neg)

* terrain 4379 m² Ouled Fayet (45000nég)

terrain * 1950 m² (45000 sq neg)

SALES farmland

* el Afroun 109 hectares land (agricultural) (700 Da)

* 04 hectars Afroun field near road car

field * 20 hectars ouedel elaig aproximité SIM

field * 04 hectars BLIDA

*** you also perform your best in trasaction conditionsavec source
Building regulations are documents prepared by an official body (government or authority). They contain provisions to ensure the requirements of security, stability, sanitation, and comfort level compatible with social requirements and the environment during construction and throughout the life of the building.
Similarly, we define standards as above documents defining the essential properties of materials, components and products are the buildings and their dimensions, their characteristics and performance. They also often provide information on how these features can be verified. In general, standards are related to building codes because the characteristics that define, meet the requirements of these regulations. That is why there are regulations often reference.
Generally we can say that a system of regulatory documents covering the field of construction on the technical plan must provide answers to two main questions:
- what should be the product Final (building use is given), that is, what requirements must be satisfied? - how to meet demands that are made with respect to buildings intended for one use?
Given that the answer to the first question must take into consideration the socioeconomic conditions, and it is largely based on political decisions, the documents are called "higher order". They have a legislative character and are promulgated by the highest authorities of the State. As for the answer to the second question, c ' is to say "how to meet the requirements?", it is provided by documents of a technical nature. They are of a lower order compared to previous documents and they are generally prepared by the institutions or bodies responsible for standards and technical regulations, in cooperation with professional bodies. Documents technical nature require a subdivision corresponding to the two main phases of the construction process, namely:
1. the design and study of a work, which raises the question: how to design and study a particular building to meet the requirements? 2. and the realization of a work, where the question is: how to build to satisfy the said requirements and provisions of the designs and studies?
To these two questions plus the third, which concerns the two phases at a time, albeit in a different way, namely: what are the characteristics and qualities of materials, products and components to use?

3.1 Symbols
In this part is given the nomenclature adopted for the regulatory system of the building construction in Algeria. Because the majority of regulations yet to occur, this nomenclature of technical regulations (DTR) (
link list ) is also an action program for years to come.
It is therefore necessary to consider this nomenclature as a much more flexible framework to work hard as a list of which we can not get out, that is to say, it will certainly be enriched and improved periodically based on the experience of national operators in this area on the one hand, the evolution of international regulation, and advances in research at national and international, on the other.
In this list of DTR (
link list ) or construction standards it has adopted a rating system consisting of a letter and two groups chiffres.La letter to one of three types of DTR or standards, namely:
C - for DTR design and costing - for DTR Works Execution of ConstructionM - for quality standards for materials, components and products.

nesDans part of corporate restructuring carried out in 1982-86, the CTC has been restored in five (5) the building control bodies (CTC CENTER, Chlef, EAST, WEST, and SOUTH) (see Order No. 86-205 of 19 August 1986 on the establishment of five regional technical inspection of construction). agencies and two new national technical control have been created, one for the public works sector (CTTP) and the other for the water sector (CTH).
To ensure harmony in the exercise of technical control authorities have made in Following the restructuring, the creation of the Standing Technical Committee for the technical supervision of construction (CTP) with the powers of "advice" and "coordination" within two (2) Domai control and regulation techniques (Decree 86-213 of 08.19.1986).
4.1.2. Missions
The role of the Standing Technical Committee (PTC), under the leadership of the public represented by the Ministry of Construction, is to implement the Government's policies on:
- developing technical regulations Algerian construction - the promotion of technical inspection of construction.
a) MOT
In terms of exercising control technique, the permanent technical committee for technical inspection of construction:
- provides guardianships concerned with any new monitoring procedure - ensure harmonious control procedures - proposes the establishment and updating of the classifications of works to control specific to different sectors - periodically review the status of implementation modalities for exercising control and procedures enforcement techniques.
b) Technical regulations
In terms of developing technical regulations, the Standing Technical Committee for technical inspection of construction:
- provides guardianships concerned with any measures necessary to initiate or to supervise the work of development of technical regulations or update these regulations - to ensure the scientific value of regulations drawn up, - decide on the nomination of associate members of the commission - means structures or lead agencies responsible for developing front -projects regulations.

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land large area (industrial, commercial, agricultural)

-RENTAL land industrial

* terrain 3000m ² Industrial Zone Ouled Moussa + office + warehouses 1200m ²

* terrain 7000 m² Ouled Moussa

* land 01 hectare Rouiba

* ground 03 hectars industrial zone Rouiba

* ground 02 hectars Dar el Beida + office

* terrain 8500 m² ben amar Rouiba fenced

* 3000sqm industrial zone Dar el Beida

Commercial land-LOCACION

* terrain 8000m ² / 60m frontage Cheraga dar ediaf

-LOCATION Land Agricultural

* ground 05 hectars Ouled Moussa + warehouses 900 m² couvertte

all real estate, has the pearl sources
Soaring property prices in Algiers

It is not easy these days to have a roof, given the unprecedented inflation that has reached the real estate market. In recent years, prices have been in the wilaya of Algiers a steep rise which heavily penalizes middle income citizens, particularly young, eager to establish a home and forced to resort to bank loans. In this regard, the president of the National Federation of estate agents, Mr. Hacene Djebbar, told APS that soaring house prices means that many factors related to supply and demand, highly unbalanced. The head of the estate agency Wafa (Dar El Beida) said, meanwhile, that the original this problem, the wilaya yal'arrêté suspending the allocation of plots of land in 1998. It should be added that in his opinion the quake in May 2003 contributed to the increase in property prices, lots of land in particular. The plot in the town of Dar El Beida increased from 2 000 m2 DA five years ago, to 40 000 DA now. Housing prices have also risen sharply from 3.5 million dinars for F3 owned 7 million dinars. Rates for rental also rose, to the chagrin of the citizen who is forced to pay an advance of one year. According to this estate agent, rising prices in the region, to mention only the latter is due to the fact that "it has several shopping centers, transportation besides the conditions of stability and tranquility it offers" . What is striking, moreover, he believes, is that citizens of the city prefer to live in the inner regions of the wilaya, or a large demand for housing is recorded. These regions are also increasing as is the case of Birtouta where the price per square meter "increases every two months." Makers realtors Zéralda deplored for their lack or lack of supply, especially in terms of plots of land. This explains, according to them, the constant increase in property prices in this region where the price per square foot close to 50 000 dinars and where a property is sold F3 6 million dinars. Algiers-center is the nerve center of the country, housing prices will remain higher. Increased even more pronounced in some communes favored by many foreigners like El Biar, Ben Aknoun and Hydra, where the price per square meter varies between 100 000 and 200 000 dinars depending on soil quality and environment. The price of a property in F3 approaching 15 million dinars in the Commons. Given this situation, the head of a real estate agency said that "if the decision of the wilaya remains unchanged, the property prices in general and golf in particular will increase more."
Source: The Tribune

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a billion dollars of loans granted to Morocco by the Kuwait Fund September 9, 2007 -

- Discuss on the forums?

Morocco has received 32 loans from the "Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development." The amount of these loans has reached 1.091.61 million since the start of activities of the bank in 1962 and up to March 2007. This has been announced at a conference held Thursday by the bank within the week of the Moroccan-Kuwaiti friendship. Loans granted to Morocco have been invested in various fields, namely agriculture, transport and communication, energy, industry, water and sanitation.
Thus, financial assistance in the transport field has been injected into the construction of highways connecting Casablanca Settat, Rabat, Larache, Rabat, Fez, Casablanca, El Jadida, Settat and Marrakech others. The loans received were also invested in the development of dams in particular that of Ait Ayoub, Tamzaourt, Oued El Makhazen and others.
The bank also supported the implementation of agricultural projects, namely the exploitation project in the valley of El Haouz irrigation and El Haouz. The loans in question also have plans to supply major cities, including Meknes and villages with drinking water and production of electrical energy by the creation of such thermal stations in Kenitra and Sidi Dchar. "It should be emphasized in the sense that the bank will only fund projects proposed by the State according to its priorities and perceived needs in different areas," said Ahmed El Mejelham, technical adviser to the bank.
Please note that Morocco is one of many states that have received loans from the bank. The Fund has since its inception in 1961, 719 loans worth 13.2 billion dollars to 101 countries including 16 Arab countries. The other bank loans were split between African, Asian, European and Latin American countries and the Caribbean.
It should be emphasized in this sense that much financial aid has been invested in transport and communications, with a 38% share, followed by the energy sector (24%), agriculture (14%), sanitation (10%) and the industry sector (5%).
Like loans, the bank offers other forms of assistance. It funds such as economic studies required for various projects development, which contributes to lowering the cost of these projects and ensure their fulfillment in the best conditions. The Kuwaiti Fund is also involved in the training of cards belonging to the countries receiving loans.
The bank also agrees to make available to the various ministries of recipient countries experienced executives and specialists. The budget for this assistance has reached $ 327 million and 107 countries have benefited. Loan Criteria

The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development provides financial assistance form of preferential loans, which are distinguished by low interest rates (3.5%), and the long repayment period, which can range up to 22 years. These benefits are part of the bank's policy which aims to support developing countries.
Note that the conditions for obtaining the loan vary from one project to another.
The Morning - Yousra Amrani