Friday, January 11, 2008

Need Money Desperately -loan

company and agency land large area (industrial, promotional, agricultural) RENTAL

SALES land industry

* 5100m ² land well situated at the back of the box Industrial Ouled Moussa (22000Da)

* terrain 2600m ² Industrial Zone Kolea (Douaouda) (28000 Da neg)

* grounds 5000 m² industrial zone Rouiba (35000Da)

* land 01 hectares area industrille Rouiba (38000 Da)

field * 03 hectares at the back of Ouled Moussa

* 2.5 hectares land Rahmania new town facade 50m cu (R +5) (industrial) (20.000Da)

field * 04 hectares industrial zone ali baba (18000.Da neg)

* 4.5 hectares terrain micro zi Kolea (7000.Da)

terrain 1155m ² * sidi r'sine baraki cloturé force Motricity (industiel) (16000 Da NEG)

terrain 3500m ² * baraki ben hoist (15000 Da NEG)

-VENTE terrains promotionnel

* 09 ha in size terrain of la rentrée Cherchel urbanized (certeficat urbanisme +4 R) (8000 neg)

* terrain 4379 m² Ouled Fayet (45000nég)

terrain * 1950 m² (45000 sq neg)

SALES farmland

* el Afroun 109 hectares land (agricultural) (700 Da)

* 04 hectars Afroun field near road car

field * 20 hectars ouedel elaig aproximité SIM

field * 04 hectars BLIDA

*** you also perform your best in trasaction conditionsavec source
Building regulations are documents prepared by an official body (government or authority). They contain provisions to ensure the requirements of security, stability, sanitation, and comfort level compatible with social requirements and the environment during construction and throughout the life of the building.
Similarly, we define standards as above documents defining the essential properties of materials, components and products are the buildings and their dimensions, their characteristics and performance. They also often provide information on how these features can be verified. In general, standards are related to building codes because the characteristics that define, meet the requirements of these regulations. That is why there are regulations often reference.
Generally we can say that a system of regulatory documents covering the field of construction on the technical plan must provide answers to two main questions:
- what should be the product Final (building use is given), that is, what requirements must be satisfied? - how to meet demands that are made with respect to buildings intended for one use?
Given that the answer to the first question must take into consideration the socioeconomic conditions, and it is largely based on political decisions, the documents are called "higher order". They have a legislative character and are promulgated by the highest authorities of the State. As for the answer to the second question, c ' is to say "how to meet the requirements?", it is provided by documents of a technical nature. They are of a lower order compared to previous documents and they are generally prepared by the institutions or bodies responsible for standards and technical regulations, in cooperation with professional bodies. Documents technical nature require a subdivision corresponding to the two main phases of the construction process, namely:
1. the design and study of a work, which raises the question: how to design and study a particular building to meet the requirements? 2. and the realization of a work, where the question is: how to build to satisfy the said requirements and provisions of the designs and studies?
To these two questions plus the third, which concerns the two phases at a time, albeit in a different way, namely: what are the characteristics and qualities of materials, products and components to use?

3.1 Symbols
In this part is given the nomenclature adopted for the regulatory system of the building construction in Algeria. Because the majority of regulations yet to occur, this nomenclature of technical regulations (DTR) (
link list ) is also an action program for years to come.
It is therefore necessary to consider this nomenclature as a much more flexible framework to work hard as a list of which we can not get out, that is to say, it will certainly be enriched and improved periodically based on the experience of national operators in this area on the one hand, the evolution of international regulation, and advances in research at national and international, on the other.
In this list of DTR (
link list ) or construction standards it has adopted a rating system consisting of a letter and two groups chiffres.La letter to one of three types of DTR or standards, namely:
C - for DTR design and costing - for DTR Works Execution of ConstructionM - for quality standards for materials, components and products.

nesDans part of corporate restructuring carried out in 1982-86, the CTC has been restored in five (5) the building control bodies (CTC CENTER, Chlef, EAST, WEST, and SOUTH) (see Order No. 86-205 of 19 August 1986 on the establishment of five regional technical inspection of construction). agencies and two new national technical control have been created, one for the public works sector (CTTP) and the other for the water sector (CTH).
To ensure harmony in the exercise of technical control authorities have made in Following the restructuring, the creation of the Standing Technical Committee for the technical supervision of construction (CTP) with the powers of "advice" and "coordination" within two (2) Domai control and regulation techniques (Decree 86-213 of 08.19.1986).
4.1.2. Missions
The role of the Standing Technical Committee (PTC), under the leadership of the public represented by the Ministry of Construction, is to implement the Government's policies on:
- developing technical regulations Algerian construction - the promotion of technical inspection of construction.
a) MOT
In terms of exercising control technique, the permanent technical committee for technical inspection of construction:
- provides guardianships concerned with any new monitoring procedure - ensure harmonious control procedures - proposes the establishment and updating of the classifications of works to control specific to different sectors - periodically review the status of implementation modalities for exercising control and procedures enforcement techniques.
b) Technical regulations
In terms of developing technical regulations, the Standing Technical Committee for technical inspection of construction:
- provides guardianships concerned with any measures necessary to initiate or to supervise the work of development of technical regulations or update these regulations - to ensure the scientific value of regulations drawn up, - decide on the nomination of associate members of the commission - means structures or lead agencies responsible for developing front -projects regulations.


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